
For half a dozen years, Sound Devices's 788T was Los Angeles sound mixer Steven Morrow's go-to recorder for many productions. But bigger productions led to demands for higher track counts, and these demands hit an all-time high with his latest full-featured musical comedy, La La Land. Morrow upgraded to two Sound Devices 970 recorders and was able to achieve the track count required with Dante.


The Gravesend Inn is a popular “Haunted Hotel” attraction at the Voorhees Theatre in Brooklyn, New York. New York City College of Technology professors’ John Huntington and Bruce Ellman have supervised the sound design and operation since 2008, and they have most recently found a way to move uncompressed, multi-channel, low-latency digital audio across the standard Ethernet network built within the Voorhees Theatre.

The Theatre Des Sablons in the Paris community of Neuilly-sur-Seine brings a new performing arts venue to an area of the city already rich with culture. The multipurpose venue includes a large theater and an intimate auditorium, among other common areas. With reliability, architectural simplicity and sound quality as requirements for the theatre's audio system, Dante networking was selected, and has surpassed the needs of all three requirements.

Construction of the Parliament House of Melbourne was begun in 1856, but this seat of power for the Australian state of Victoria remains unfinished and ever changing. Law and tradition require that every word spoken during a session of Parliament or related Committees be transcribed into writing. This task has shifted to a system of recording and transcribing audio, and new AV technologies have opened the door to replace and improve upon the older cabling system of the past.

Millikin University is a four-year undergraduate university in Decatur, Illinois with a student body of 2,400. Millikin's mission is to offer an education that integrates the traditional liberal arts and the practical arts of the professions. The School of Music supports students by providing recording facilities, and as a second control room was being added to expand the Commercial Music program, digital solutions became the clear path.

ワシントン州バンクーバーにある教会Faith Center Churchは、特定の宗派に属さず、家族の強い絆を育み、人々が幸せに生活できるよう世界中に声を届ける、というビジョンのもと活動しています。メンバー自身、 そして世界に向けてオリジナルの音楽を録音する目的の下に、 既存のインフラストラクチャを維持しつつもリアルタイムのレコーディングが実現可能な、そしてコストパフォーマンスに優れたアナログオーディオシステムのアップグレードが求められていました。

The newly designed Campi Westend and Riedberg Goethe-University in Frankfurt is regarded as one of the leading German colleges for research and teaching. The university wished to design and implement a scalable, comprehensive AV solution that covered two campuses each with a large number of buildings and rooms, and allow faculty and students access to a full range of media, including recording.